Essen - Chile / South Afrika

Wall: Bunker, Oberdorfstraße/Körner Straße
Essen-Altendorf, Germany 2000

Exile-Kulturkoordination e.V.  

Agenda-Büro Essen

Moni-Marielen van Rheinberg, Essen/Deutschland; Claudio Francia, Valparaiso/Chile; Xolile Mtakatya, Khayelitsha, Cape Town/Südafrika

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the mural en Essen

Artists from three different cultural backgrounds worked on the mural in Essen. The translation of the themes from the Agenda 21 into a common, expressive language of images required an precise process: the artistic working methods, the characteristic style of the artists, colours or symbols sometimes have other meanings in different cultures. In tandem with the art project, the designs and ideas were publicly presented to the local residents.

one side
Differences and similarities with people’s lives in the partner countries, Chile and South Africa, were not only the themes of the mural at the bunker but also at numerous lively debates at events, with local residents, at the scaffolding itself, during school visits by the South Africa expert Professor Goldberg and at readings of various writers.

other side, detail
Agenda-Büro der Stadt Essen:

Supporters:Die Projekte werden finanziert aus Mitteln des MASSKS für Stadteile mit besonderem Erneuerungsbedarf, den zusätzlichen Preisgeldern von Ministerin Brusis und auf lokaler Ebene durch GfG-Gelder, durch das Kulturamt und durch Sponsorengelder aus verschiedenen Wohnungsbaugesellschaften.

Fotos:Erich Auch, Exile, Farbfieber

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