Hude - Mexico

Mural 21 - AGENDA concrete
Hude, Germany, 1999

Agenda Association Hude  

VNB, TV Hude, Community of Hude

Jorge Dávila (Puebla, Mexico) with support of Dietrich Mörking (Hude / Germany)

Elisabethkirche in Hude

Diese Bild größer zeigen
Wandbild an der Turnhalle

Mural 21 - AGENDA concrete
Very special for the mural in Hude is strong participacion of many local organisations and the sports clubs, as the painting is at the Hude sportshall.
The painting process has been acompanied by events and meetings. There has been a cultural event 'The Mexican Night', as well as a slide show and discussion on the social and economic situation in Mexico. A local company reported on industrial environmental protection measures in Mexico. Children painted T-shirt to support the Agenda-project and there was an exposition with paintings of the guest artist.

Besuch eines italienischen Chores beim Maler

The mural is not a 'typical' one. The Mexican and the German artist wanted to create a mural representing the two cultures from Mexico and Germany. In order to create not a mainly Latin American or mainly German motives, they decided to design the wall in an abstract ­ international readable ­ way.

The mural shows a long wavy line, leading to the centre of the painting and connecting the single segments of the wall. The wave symbolises growth and development as well as the idea of joint action and solidarity in the sense of Agenda 21. There are also the symbols of sun, moon, stars and the earth on the painting.

As colours there are used the primary colours red, blue and yellow as symbol for simplicity and naturalness. Black and white represent the social colours.

'Bingo-Lottery' for Environment and Development Niedersachsen,
Ministry of Justice and European affairs, Section development politics
Foundation 'Leben und Umwelt' (life and environment)
Multi Project Fonds of the EU
ABP (= Commission of political development education and journalism)

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